Monday, 3 November 2014

Good thoughts for a Monday

Occasionally you get a glimpse of someone’s life, even if only through pieces of conversation overheard.  From the words they use you can assume much.  I was standing in a queue; a man said that he had been shopping for a blanket box to store baby clothes in.  A woman replied ‘well if a trunk will do, we probably have one in the attics’.  The fact that they had a trunk, and then had attics (plural) gave the impression she lived in a large house, a grand house.  We don’t have attics, we have a loft (singular) and if anything is in our loft we know it’s there (no probably about it) and if it is there it could never be the size of a trunk as it wouldn’t fit through the miniscule opening.  And who has trunks these days?  
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I am lucky enough to live in a country with too much food, with shelves overflowing with products out of season, yet here I am trying to lose weight, when there are others over there dying of hunger.  It’s an odd life.  So I try hard to discipline my eating, and try hard to send money to people who have less.  In this case I want to mention two such places – Watsi, which is a charity that provides means whereby the likes of you and I can pay for people to have operations they need, or medical care they need, or food for young babies.  And there’s Marys Meals, probably better known, but doing a most excellent job of keeping food going into villages where the children can’t get to school because of the Ebola outbreak.  

On the diet front – it has become so much harder since parting from the large support group, not sure why but it simply just has.  The excuses my body has kindly provided me with are ; well I am really tired, oh but it’s been an upsetting day, that was bad news, oh you’ve done so well, you didn’t gain any weight at all?  Why not celebrate.  Darn you body-voice, why do I listen?  But I am learning that this voice lies and is not my friend.  I am learning that I can be in control, and so we plough on. I think one of my greatest motivations has to be that I never thought I’d see again the weight I am now at, I didn’t think I could lose enough weight to get back down here.  Yes, there’s a long way to go, but hey I’ve come a long way too.

Conversation ends – this came from a film but I love it.  A guy leaps off of the bridge, deciding to end his life, and in the 5 seconds he has to fall he realises the only thing in his life he cannot change is the action he has just taken.

So, from another film – there’s always hope.

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