I want my little one to follow her dreams and her feet to
faraway places where she can dance under foreign skies and dance in distant
theatres, but then I shall be sad in a place that misses her and her laughter
and chatter. And rooms will seem emptier
I want my first born to be happy and meet a like minded
soul who takes over his waking day and talking moments. And I shall be sad in the place that misses
him as he will be hers and not mine, he will forget to call and cards will come
signed from her with his name on, and I will miss his wisdom and humour. And
life will seem to go more slowly
And I want another thing, a memory of wanting it has
grown with me through the years and now it might, maybe might, be within
reach. To get it I may have to step over
a friend, and maybe lose them. And I
will miss them and their funny ways, and their caring days and the evenings
will be quieter, the days away will have less meaning.
And yet I still want it all, would gladly make the deal,
the exchange. Because the happiness that
would come from the one would surely sweep over the slight sadness of the
other. The peace and contentment that
comes from one will fill the places left empty by the other. This I believe.
If my children never left, never went for a dream, gave
up on life, gave up on hope and love and living as full a life as they
can. Now, that would be a travesty. That would be sadness indeed. I have never cared if they be bankers or work
in Pizza Hut, if they are happy and content with their lot. I am proud of what they do, what they believe
in, what they are creating.
And in respect for that I too must go for what I want,
and live without the regret of letting it go.
Let someone else be the one to say no if that how it turns out. For now I’m going to try.